Burn out.... it's a serious subject. I have experienced many stages of it from mild to severe during one particularly challenging time. So many factors are involved that it takes some deep testing to sometimes find all the ways it is hiding. Scrambled or overwhelmed energies can be from the neurological disorganization that is caused from energies not crossing over, our fight and flight meridian of Triple Warmer overprotecting us and causing the involvement of adrenal stimulation to the point of depletion or true burn out. Irregular energies of frozen or lost meridians are usually found. Other systems like Radiant Circuits are often weak, pulling everything out of whack and making us feel wacky or so fatigued we can't get off the couch.
As indicated above, this is a big subject and I have a lot of personal experience with it as well as observations of clients. Donna Eden has often said we have a primary weakness when we get stressed will go out first. I know mine is the scrambled or overwhelmed energies that are often corrected with the Wayne Cook Posture. I have personally seen Donna and David demonstrate this powerful technique of how we affect others energies just by reading or speaking when in this scrambled state and it is kind of scary. I know so many times when I haven't made sense to others, couldn't take in any more information or couldn't hear others because one or both of us were in this state. How important that we stay clear by unscrambling our energies. This posture has proven effective for stuttering, dyslexia, ADD and increasing mental acuity.
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