One of my absolute favorite Eden Energy Medicine (“EEM”) techniques is standing in love. The premise is simple. When I stand in love those around me are positively impacted. It’s relatively easy to execute and the effects are profound. In fact I’m not really sure if this is actually a technique or more a reminder of how to live.
I have always been careful when disciplining my children to remind them that while I don’t love a particular behavior I always love them. One day when I was expressing these sentiments my oldest son pointed out that I sure didn’t look like I loved him right at that moment. I assessed my scowling face and the tone of my voice and realized that he was absolutely right. There was a huge incongruence between what I was saying and what I was screaming nonverbally. Anger and frustration cannot be confused for love no matter what the words. I thanked him for sharing this insight and decided to look at ways to work with this.
The very first principle in yoga philosophy is that of ahimsa which roughly translates as nonviolence and compassion for both self and others. So I’ve decided to practice ahimsa and stand in love with myself first and then share that love with others. When I find the familiar feelings of frustration or annoyance start to creep in, I’ve been taking a breath and really sinking into the feelings. I try to bring love to whatever feeling is present recognizing that, like pain, it has brought me valuable information. The “negative” feelings often initially swell and then abate entirely. Then I bring love to all of my being and simply stand in love with myself. After a few breaths I’m then able to better stand in love with others around me.
Standing in love comes easily to me when I’m already feeling great but I find it more challenging and rewarding to do when I’m not in a centered and balanced state. I’ve also stopped saying things that aren’t true in the moment. I now remind my kids I love them when my words and energies match. I’m looking forward to the day when I can express love more fully in all circumstances.
I’ve also been exploring standing in love with my past self. I have my share of mistakes, seeming missteps, and regrets from the past. I also experienced awkward and painful periods that I’d prefer never to repeat. I sought out a school photo from one of those times. Each night before bed I sit and lovingly stare at this photo for a few moments. I look at this girl as I would one of my own children and I can feel the love both emanating from me and coming into me. I don’t claim to understand how time functions but this feels deeply healing to me both in the present and in the memories I hold of that time. Eden Energy Medicine uses a similar technique to anchor in healing of foundational or grid energies. I’m not sure which energetic systems are impacted by this process but I can feel its power nonetheless.
Each time I practice ahimsa and stand in love with myself and with others I’m changing both my inner world and the world around me. I invite you to join me! In the immortal words of Hafiz, "Let's get loose with Compassion; let's drown in the delicious ambience of Love."*
In love and light,
* "The Ambience of Love" by Hafiz as translated by Daniel Ladinsky
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