Eden Energy Medicine has added so much to my life with its many and varied teachings. Working on others and seeing what they needed and what corrected was easy with energy testing. However, when I learned EEM, I was living alone in a rural area. I had to figure out how to test myself. I also was drawn to testing that was quick, convenient and unobtrusive. In other works, using the water jug or weights as recommended in the EM book was out of the question for those reasons.
So how to discern what is needed, with all of the wonderful tools I learned, in the shortest period of time was to self test. After much testing, playing around, experimenting, and rechecking with others, I narrowed it down to my 2 favorites.
- Quadriceps or Small Intestine meridian test
- Finger Stick test
- Quadriceps- Lift one knee up (helps to be sitting, but I can be in a store and use this standing, takes practice though :) ) and extend your foot forward about 30 degrees. Then push downward on the knee. When qualifying, you will not be able to push the leg down if the muscle is strong. A pinch in the middle of the thigh muscle should weaken it if you push down very quickly after the pinch. In other words, it should go down to the floor. Now you know you have a good muscle to test with. So when using as an indicator, touch the food, alarm point, etc. while pushing down on the leg, just above the knee. Love this because only one hand is needed and I use the other for the test process.
- Finger Stick test- This one took me while to master. Staying neutral and focused on what you are doing is essential for accurate results. Keep checking -this is strong/weak as this is such a subtle test. I was first introduced to this by Maddie King and she said it doesn't work for everyone. It is also the main test I use in my quantum work.
Place a 3 finger notch of the thumb, index and middle finger together. The test is a very subtle slide of fingers across the thumb. If it sticks it is weak. If it keeps sliding, it is strong. This is SOOOO unobtrusive I use it EVERYWHERE. Airplanes, waiting rooms, stores, etc. and no one knows. I can quickly scan for weaknesses on whatever I am focused on, whether it be alarm points, 5 rhythms, substances etc. I have even developed ways to test my own pulses.
This has worked very well for me and helps me find patterns of imbalance, verify intuitive hits and saves me time doing techniques I am not 'out' on. I even check for irregular energies with a magnet, and do corrections on points while working on the computer or watching TV. Lots of ways to incorporate the testing.
Now the more controversial area is using these tests as a surrogate for my clients. As mentioned above, I must make sure I am very neutral. Any doubts at all and I switch back to their muscle. I do this but have spent lots and lots of time checking and rechecking with their muscle. I save tons of time and my clients appreciate being able to get deeply relaxed and not be bothered every 5 seconds with another energy test. Of course sometimes they need to see the corrections, so they must see the before and after test. So give it a whirl. Try it, you will like it when you master it!
Lynn Bretsnyder- EEM-AP
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