A new client came recently. When I test meridians, I mark them on a five element diagram. That allows me to see patterns clearly, and at the same time it becomes a visual teaching tool that helps me explain the patterns that show up. This woman had a couple of yin meridians and all of her yang meridians out of balance. Triple Warmer was frozen when we started. I prefer to call it “locked” because it helps to understand that the exercises we do for triple warmer are unlocking the energy so it can flow again. I find it to be a useful metaphor.
Just having her hold the triple warmer neurovascular points at each temple shifted that energy, but throughout the session it kept locking up again. We worked with a few other basic energy corrections, including working with the ileoceocal valve, and re-establishing the connections in the control cycle (the star in the five element diagram).
Through this initial process, I learned two things about her energy: it is very responsive, and she has been running a chronic stress pattern.
When she returned for a follow-up visit two weeks later, triple warmer was reversed, as was kidney. Tapping K27 points under the clavicle bone on either side of the sternum, took care of the reversal, and triple warmer stayed in balance, which indicated that she had been following through with the exercises to calm triple warmer, and her triple warmer was therefore less reactive. She also was familiar with me and the setting itself so those were no longer factors triggering a stress response.
However, all of the yang meridians remained out of balance, and many were locked. As I looked at the diagram her situation popped into my mind. “Yang energy,” I suggested, “is good at pushing through. It’s an energy of making things happen. Do you feel that is the stance you have been in of late.”
“When was the last time that things felt really good, when you were on a financially sound basis, and your marriage seemed OK, even if it wasn’t perfect?” The question just popped out of my mouth, as if I were not the one speaking. While she had been divorced for a few years, it was quite a bit earlier that she was able to recall that her life was unfolding relatively smoothly.
Next I had her recall in as much detail as she could exactly how she was experiencing herself and life at that earlier time, before financial and relationship issues reached the foreground. We then retested her meridians and found that everything had returned to balance!
“Now,” I suggested, “your task is to bring your energy and state of mind from that time into the present moment.” With those words, I had her move to a different area of the floor where we drew a circle for her to step into. (This is a technique borrowed from Neuro Linguistic Programming). “This means that you do not let your perception be colored by the reality of your current situation. It will take some conscious effort.”
In the new location we retested her meridians. Now the only one that was out of balance was the bladder meridian, Another Ah-ha, as I explained that the bladder meridian is the one that is most closely associated with the nervous system.
We went on to work with the moment in the past that she became aware she could not remain in this marriage, treating it as a trauma with the Tapas Acupuncture Technique, an energy psychology method that I find very useful and comprehensive for treating trauma.
Her homework, along with more typical Eden Energy Medicine exercises, is to continue to allow intentional full body recall of the time period when her meridians were running in perfect harmony and balance.
Judith Poole, MA, EEM-CP
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