It appears to me that here in the United States we live in a culture in which the media encourages us to look as young and vibrant as long as possible, acquire vast material possessions, and "work hard" filling our 24-hour day with as much “productivity” as we can pump out. Collectively we compare ourselves to others and our young generations bear witness to this. Add to this a growing list of responsibilities, be it family, civic, and otherwise. Our energies become thin as our collective expectations grow thicker.
My question: with our predisposition to hurdle into the whirlwind of checking the proverbial box and gotta-know-now media, where is our lesson to slow down for self-compassion? We are taught ad nauseum to treat others as we would like to be treated, but there remains a great divide between that and treating ourselves. Is it possible to put aside the wishes and desires of others and their perceptions of us so that we may give ourselves permission to live the beautiful life we are designed to live naturally…and perhaps begin that life with self-compassion?
This is a noble time to start. I feel we live during a time when self-compassion is no longer an option. A gentle mentor of mine once chided me saying, "How can you help others if you do not help yourself?” That was almost ten years ago and the words resonate as loud and clear today as if it were yesterday.
Initially this was incredibly difficult for me and part of offering compassion to my self is to honor that part of me which calls loudly out at times like that: my heart. I sit silently with both hands placed over my heart center and TRUST. Trust first in myself, then offer trust to the situation and know the best intentions have been put forth. When I feel settled in the trust...I let all expectations go...and raise my hands in Heaven Rushing In. I find this is best done outside where I ask the space to open up within me. Oftentimes this provides a very welcomed and deep emotional release for me.
Life can be lived without effort if we allow ourself to open up to it. I propose we continue our mission to promote compassion for each other, for the Earth, and all her inhabitants. But let us also create a mission to promote self-compassion. For within our sacred being we have grey hair, wrinkles, and widening hips to celebrate, gems of wisdom yet to unfold, and songs yet to be sung.
With love ~Jennifer
This is one I constantly bump up against myself - sharing EEM with others and being told they don't have time to do it. I am going to start offering compassion to my self in this way. Pushing against a wall or trying to reason with logic never does help. This is something I can do to turn it around and help myself. Thanks.
Posted by: Jyoti Rawlinson | Sunday, July 24, 2011 at 03:00 PM