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Friday, June 03, 2011


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Mary Henn

Amazing post! Is there any way you can add an image of the Neurovasculars?

Andie 97

I can't wait to try this. I love doing Neurovascular work. Thank you so much for sharing.

Rose Mattax

I love the creative integration of control cycle and nv work. Have you tried it with the flow cycle too? I'm going to try this out soon.

Rose Mattax

althought I wanted to ask, in step three do you hold the Fire point or the crown of the head with the throat?

Prune Harris

Thanks for the kind comments. I am not able to add an image of the NVs as I am currently travelling and won't be back to my charts until the beginning of July ( I don't have a digital copy). I believe that Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine does have an image of the NVs (please correct me if I am wrong anyone!). I have used the flow cycle also while working with NV's and find that the control cycle is especially effective, although of course it depends I am trying to correct within the body. And Rose, to answer your question ...you hold the crown of the head (metal) with the throat (wood).
with love, prune

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