The first thing that I do when a client arrives is to fetch myself and my client a glass of water. Then, before allowing my client to have a drink, I test to see if s/he is hydrated. This involves having them hold some of the hair on their head with one hand, and extending the opposite arm for me to energy test. If the hand comes down, their body is telling us it needs more water. If the arm stays strong, then they are properly hydrated (as long as I have made sure first that their energy isn’t locked).
So how does this test for hydration work? Electricity flows through our bodies, using water as the conductor. If water resources are low, the body conserves water, because it is most concerned with keeping the vital organs functioning – heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and spleen. When you hold your hair and there is insufficient water to conduct electricity in your hair, your hand will come down. As soon as you take a drink, your hand will become strong, not because the water went to your hair immediately, but because your body has released its hold on its stores of water. Because you took a drink, your body knows that you are no longer in the desert, so it does not have to hold onto the water to protect those vital organs. This puts a whole new framework on a bad hair day!
Often, at this point, when I mention that the test indicates dehydration, my client will protest, “but I drink water all the time” or “But I just had water.” Others will confess, “I hate the taste of water.”
Then, with a glint in my eye, I tell them I am going to teach them how to drink water. This arouses curiosity, as most folks do think that they know how to drink water! I go on to explain that, when they gulp water down, if the body does not recognize the frequency of the water it will not absorb it. Instead, it will end up flushing out water soluble nutrients as the body moves it out as rapidly as it can. From the body’s point of view, this water is a foreign substance.
Some people ask about saying a prayer at this point. That’s optional, but it isn’t necessary. Masaru Emoto has shown that labeling water with phrases like love, gratitude, and appreciation can enhance the vibration, and there is no reason NOT to do that. But just holding the glass for a few seconds is sufficient to attune the water to your personal vibration.
Most people understand this, and some even find that they can detect a change in the taste of the water. But we aren’t finished yet.
The next step is to take a small sip, rather than a gulp, of water, and to mix it thoroughly with saliva. The saliva acts as a vehicle to carry the water into the cells. Saliva resonates with our personal vibratory signature. The cells are familiar with saliva as a wetting substance.
Energizing, sipping, and combining water with saliva allows each individual cell to absorb the water as a nutrient. It also allows the cell to release toxins back out where the bloodstream can eliminate them. If there is insufficient water in the system (dehydration), the body has to struggle to take in nutrients and release toxins.
Judith Poole, MA EEM-CP
Love that "glint in your eye" Judith! You have a fun style.
Posted by: Danceofenergy | Sunday, June 26, 2011 at 10:08 AM