I always say you can feel how well energy medicine is working on the days you don’t do your five-minute routine. I’m always amazed at the difference I feel. A few great self-care tricks to help us on the days we feel challenged to help ourselves is to turn on some music and begin to just dance through it. I usually start off with some basic dancing with the figure-8 movements to warm myself up and before you know it I’m dancing around feeling good and end up spending more time with the daily routine than I normally would. Another thing I have found very helpful is to incorporate energy medicine into everyday activities like just walking around the house and thumping my K27’s to jump-start my meridian energy and make sure the meridians are flowing forward. I actually do all my thumping while I walk around the apartment. It’s become habit.
Other ways I incorporate energy medicine into daily activities:
- When walking I let one or both hands, fingers if I’m being super discreet, make figure-8’s by my side and also creating the intention of a cross-over.
- I sweep the energy off my body when I am getting dressed or undressed.
- If I’m standing outside waiting for something I might cross my arms and twist them upward – this is the standing Wayne Cook technique that unscrambles our energy.
- After eating and putting the dishes away I thump my spleen meridian to help my metabolism.
- If stuck at a desk I always place my hands strategically on different parts of my head or the backs of my knees to relieve stress.
- If stuck at a desk all day its easy to do a connecting heaven and earth, just the arm up, arm down part because it looks like I am stretching, which I am, but I am also helping to release energy and keep it flowing.
- Stretching my joints – especially my wrists and ankles. And it is so easy to do sitting or standing.
- I do the Celtic Weave while I’m waiting for the elevator or if I'm in the elevator alone.
- I massage my lymphatic points while I watch TV.
- I use my radiant imagination to balance my energy systems when all else fails. In my mind's eye I see myself hooking-up or see all my systems connecting and intertwining and humming in perfect health and balance. I also say “OK in three breaths I will be….unscrambled” etc.
So I did the cerebrospinal fluid pump slowly and with intention a few times. Within 10 minutes the headache was gone. It faded slowly so I was unsure at first “am I imagining this and the pain will come back?” Well, no, the pain did not come back. I felt so empowered that I was able to take care of myself and get such significant results.
The Cerebrospinal Fluid Pump How to:
In each position I take three long deep breaths in through the nose and out the mouth.
- I put my left hand on my heart and my right hand over the right side of my head – just over the ear.
- Keeping my hand on my heart I move the other hand to the back of my head – from the middle of my head to just over the curve of the head. My fingers point to the top of my head.
- Next I put my right hand on my heart and my left hand on the left side of my head – just over the ear.
- Keeping my hand over the heart, I take my other hand and place it on the front of my head. My palm is on my forehead with fingers pointing to the center of my head.
I can do this a few times. I did it about three times very slowly to get rid of my headache.
My main point is that we don’t have to do everything at once. Find your own ways to do energy medicine that fit your lifestyle and the pattern of your day. Be creative because you can’t do anything wrong!
Cristina Bornstein, EEM-CP
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