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Saturday, June 25, 2011


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Lyn Milum

How wonderful to have an 85% reducing in severity of pain, in one go. Seems like doing the deep electrics work after shifting pain memories is a good way to stabilize the system and maybe help TW to find steadiness. I also wonder about inquiring into the seed cells to see if the Injury Recall technique might erase more of the holding patterns, by involving the seed cells when doing the head-drop motion... more for the EM Lab! I'd love to hear more about your experiences with releasing cellular memories, working with Elizabeth. I appreciate your sharings Judith, thanks!

Barbara Ann O'Leary

Judith and Lyn, I am really delighted that you both shared about these processes. I was previously unfamiliar with them. I'm very interested in exploring the possibilities. I'm a big fan of clearing out old energy patterns that no longer serve.

I also like the idea of engaging the Seed Points (new name for what Donna used to call Seed Cells) while engaging clearing processes like this one or chakra work or EFT, etc.

EM Lab: I like that, Lyn. Feels like there's a possibility for us to actually gather for an EM Lab at some point... to explore deeply around a few themes to see what we can evolve together.

Andie 97

I'd love to see more information on the Ancient Echos process. I'd never heard of it, but I did see the IRT video that Kelmie shared (thank you!!!!). This was quite eye opening since I've had numerous sprained ankles.

I love the EM Lab concept. It's so great to experiment with combining techniques to see what will best serve the person we are working on.

Barbara Ann O'Leary

Andie, the Ancient Echoes practice seems to be something that is part of Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program Clinical Practicum.

Kelmie Blake Spires

Hi Judith- We actually did learn part of this in our CP class, it was called Neck Drop. I don't think the leg part was demoed, I remember it sort of morphed into the Bruce Wand technique when it was taught...Ancient Echoes sounds WAy better than Neck Drop! : )

Judith Poole

I believe you, of course, Kelmie, but have no recall. I do remember it being presented in the review class, and none of us claiming to be familiar with it. But it's not surprising. I've had the opposite experience as well, when I remember learning something that had particular significance for me, but others present at the class having no recollection. This aspect of mind and memory holds my fascination!

Judith Poole

Ande, Lyn Milum's article describes the Ancient Memories process in much more detail, and it is similar though not the same as the Injury Recall Technique applied kinesiology process found on youtube by following the link.

Barbara Ann O'Leary

Here's a direct link to Lyn's Ancient Echoes article: http://crescent.typepad.com/eem/2011/06/ancient-echoes-and-injury-recall-technique.html

I really relate to what you are sharing, Judith, about what people learn and how little that has to do with what any teacher may have been intending! I always set an intention that participants in my workshops, gatherings, etc. get what they need... not what I'm talking about or sharing! ;-)

I experience myself as someone who can help link people up with their authentic selves... and that connects them with what they need. Anything else I'm doing is just a conduit for that to happen.

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