I was recently working on a client with MS. She had been relatively symptom free for 20 years but with an increased busy schedule for over 5 years some symptoms reappeared. She had one lesion in her head and one along her spine. Some twitching and walking difficulty. She spoke of an extremely challenging upbringing, which continued today. I brought up the idea of feeling safe and she said she never had.
I knew a couple of things going in and wanted to follow the way Donna Eden would work on someone like this. I have heard her speak about this but referred to the Innersource Q&A and also spoke with a friend who said that Donna sometimes doesn’t spend more than 20-30 minutes working with an MS client at first.
Because triple warmer is already in over-drive and probably has been for years I didn’t want to overload it or her system. The hypothalamus governs triple warmer so I started there. I talked to it telling her she was safe and saw her being held in love and light. I felt some resistance and felt drawn to work more directly with triple warmer. I sedated her triple warmer acupressure points. Then I anchored and wandered along the Triple Warmer meridian to try and make triple warmer act as a radiant circuit. That felt important to me because she had mentioned a lack of joy. While I was doing this I saw her face change to calmness for the first time during the session. Now here is where I probably should have stopped. To me if you sedate triple warmer its automatic to strengthen spleen meridian because spleen meridian weakens when triple warmer is too active. I ended by giving her some gentle radiant hearts over her body and figure-8’s. I also put rainbows into her field from spinning a cut glass crystal and that felt good.
She said she felt stronger and lighter right after the session but the next day her symptoms were worse than they had been in years. My goodness, I felt so bad. It really hit me that I should have done one thing only and that was to work with her hypothalamus and that would have been enough for her.
It was such an important lesson to me about the power of energy medicine’s smallest shifts plus about respecting the energy systems that hold us together. Its so easy for me to want to give as much as I can but now I see there are times when giving everything isn’t good for the client. One shift can be significant enough to fill a session.
What I have discovered from Ellen Meredith’s Energy Fluency class better defined for me what happens when we shift energy. A system that is put into balance has been out of balance and therefore other systems compensate for it and when they don’t have to do that anymore the body is thrown out of balance and needs to readjust to a new energy pattern. Even if that pattern is healthy the other systems reveal their weakness from over compensating for so long.
This is a true revelation for me because I had become so focused on fixing the imbalances I found in the beginning that I forgot to think about what happens to the other energy systems after and that is just as important as the prevailing imbalance. My practice will fundamentally change because of this new information. As for my client, we will be approaching her energy in a much slower and gentler way.
Cristina Bornstein, EEM-CP
Hi Cristina, I was working with someone several days ago whose chronic neck and shoulder pain returned at the end of our session! I felt so badly also (and this wasn't an MS patient.) I'd love to hear more about tuning in to how much is enough for a person to metabolize during a session. It makes perfect sense to build an awareness of the compensatory patterns and to notice how the interrelations of energy systems all shift when a keystone pattern is shifted.
Posted by: Lyn Milum | Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 10:27 PM
Hi Cristina,
Thank you for sharing this information. What is the cerebrospinal fluid pump?
Posted by: Danceofenergy | Thursday, June 16, 2011 at 11:27 PM
The Cerebrospinal Fluid Pump.
This is an amazing technique to get rid of headaches and to get the spinal fluid moving which is beneficial to our overall health.
How to:
In each position take three long deep breadths in your nose and out your mouth.
1. Put your left hand on your heart and your right hand over the right side of your head – just over the ear
2. Keeping your hand on your heart move the other hand to the back of your head – from the middle of your head to just over the curve of the head. Your fingers will be pointing to the top of your head.
3. Now put your right hand on your heart and your left hand on the left side of your head – just over the ear.
4. Keeping your hand over the heart take your other hand and place it on the front of your head. Your palm will be on your forehead with your fingers pointing to the center of your head.
You can do this a few times. I did it about three times very slowly to get rid of my headache.
Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any questions. Cristina
Posted by: Cristina Bornstein, EEM-CP | Friday, June 17, 2011 at 09:56 AM
Hi Lyn!
Yes after this experience I am very aware about what happens after you balance one system and what happens to the others. I think I was tuning into how it felt at the moment and not what it would feel like later. As you know all our systems are so intertwined! It feels terrible when you have done one good thing but then another imbalance arises. I think a good way to tune in is to ask for help. from your "helpers" and also from the persons body. After this experience I was working on someone and I asked "is more work needed?" and I energy tested their spleen and the answer with that person was yes and I ended up having to ground them to make sure the energy I had just "loosened" had somewhere to go. I guess that's what I'm thinking about now - when I move energy where does it go and are the pathways available for it. It's all so interesting! xo cristina
Posted by: Cristina Bornstein, EEM-CP | Friday, June 17, 2011 at 10:05 AM
I'm really glad you started this conversation, Cristina. It's so important. I know I've had similar situations where I 'followed protocol' but the results weren't favorable.
It's helped me move in the direction of what I've come to call Yin Tracking. I think I might write a blog post about this way I've cultivated which opens me up to insights about what would be appropriate and beneficial for me to notice, engage, etc. in any particular moment while working with someone else's energies (or my own for that matter). This leads to a much more satisfying, less intrusive, more free flowing approach to energy work.
Actually I have so many things I want to share that I'm finding it a little hard to really get started on them! Thanks for the inspiration here.
Posted by: Barbara Ann O'Leary | Saturday, June 18, 2011 at 10:22 AM